This story begins with the discovery by a son and father of several ancient artifacts under a cross in a small Mexican coastal town, and chronicles their journey to learn about a lost civilization that left behind these artifacts. As clues are revealed, interesting local natives are encountered, ancient symbols are uncovered, and the bonds of a father and son are rediscovered. Intriguingly, the meaning of one symbol reveals a universal connection between all mankind.
Travel In The State Of Nayarit
History Of The Tecoxquine Indians
Discovery Of Ancient Artifacts
Description Of Local People
Following The Spiritual Pull Of Symbols
Rediscovery Of The Bond Of A Son And His Father
Author’s Note: While trekking through the State of Nayarit my primary purpose was to discover petroglyphs and signs of ancient civilizations. Many of the artifacts illustrated in my books were shown to me by local natives who shared their stories. Surprisingly, many objects were observed still laying on the ground in areas where villages and life had once existed many years before. I did not conduct excavations of archaeological sites or tombs as this is prohibited in Mexico.
Los sitios arqueológicos y las tumbas antiguas no fueron excavados por el autor al escribir este libro.